Happy Holidays from Nicky and the Benedetti Foundation.
We are delighted to share with you Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas performed by Nicola Benedetti and the participants of her Foundation’s Christmas Virtual Sessions.
During December 2020, over 1000 string players aged 4-80, from 37 countries across the world, took part in the Benedetti Foundation’s Christmas Virtual Sessions. Working with 12 of the Foundation’s string tutors, the participants rehearsed and prepared both at home and online together this stunning new arrangement from The Ayoub Sisters of, ‘Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas’ by Hugh Martin.
We hope you enjoy this performance.
To find out more about the work of the Benedetti Foundation, or make a donation, please visit: https://www.benedettifoundation.org/s…
The Benedetti Foundation would like to thank:
The Ayoub Sisters – arrangement
All the Tutors and Ambassadors involved in these sessions
Scott Jaeger – Jaegerfilm – Film Production
Myles Eastwood – Eastwood Records – Sound Engineer
Ashby Mayes – Tech Assistant
Presto Music – Give Back Friday Sponorship
All those who have donated to the Foundation to enable these activites to happen
And of course, all of you! Everyone who participated in the sessions and your parents, carers, teachers, siblings, extended families and everyone who has supported you along the way.
Copyright: Benedetti Foundation 2020
#christmas #nicolabenedetti #benedettisessions #haveyourselfamerrylittlechristmas